We are the UK Government’s independent adviser on sustainable development. Through advocacy, advice and
appraisal, we help put sustainable development at the heart of Government policy
December 2010
Measuring Progress Roundtable
At the national level, round-tables should be established, with the involvement of stakeholders, to identify…
November 2010
Scottish Government scraps SDC Scotland
The Scottish Government has today (Thursday 25th November) announced it is withdrawing funding from the…
October 2010
SDC Scotland submission to the Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee
The Scottish Government's Energy Efficiency Action Plan brings a more strategic approach to Government action. Previously there have been good individual initiatives but these have not been brought together. Action on energy efficiency by Government has been characterised by too many separate schemes or initiatives not being sufficiently linked together.
Renewable Energy - Our Economic Future?
The Sustainable Development Commission in Northern Ireland, in partnership with Belfast Metropolitan College and W5, held a seminar on the 15th September to discuss and debate one of the biggest issues facing the island of Ireland – a sustainable and secure energy future.
"Sustainable development is even more important in a time of austerity" – SDC
On Wednesday 20 October, the SDC presented evidence to the Parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) as part of their investigation into how well sustainable development is being embedded in Government, in the light of Defra's decision to cut its funding for the SDC.
Cymru'n Un: Cenedl Un Blaned - flwyddyn yn ddiweddarach
Mae SDC Cymru wedi cynhyrchu ei sylwebaeth annibynnol ar y cynnydd y mae Llywodraeth y Cynulliad wedi’i…
SDC Yn Cynnal Sesiwn ar Fuddsoddi Cymunedol
Mae llawer o frwdfrydedd mewn cymunedau ledled y wlad dros brosiectau sy'n ymgorffori datblygu cynaliadwy,…
Y Comisiwn yn ymateb i gynlluniau bwyd Cymru
Mae'r SDC wedi annog Llywodraeth y Cynulliad i gynhyrchu cynlluniau clir ar gyfer gweithredu i ategu ei strategaeth newydd: 'Bwyd i Gymru, Bwyd o Gymru’. Yn ei ymateb i'r ymgynghoriad ar y strategaeth ddrafft, dywed y Comisiwn mai dim ond drwy ddefnyddio dull integredig, cynaliadwy y gellir mynd i'r afael yn effeithiol â chostau bwyd cynyddol ac anghydraddoldebau o ran bwyd.
Y Comisiynydd wedi’i benodi yn gadeirydd y grŵp hinsawdd
Mae Comisiynydd SDC Cymru, Peter Davies wedi ei benodi yn Gadeirydd annibynnol cyntaf Comisiwn Cymru…
Ymweliad â'r Gweithfeydd, Glynebwy
Yn ddiweddar aeth Peter Davies, Comisiynydd SDC Cymru, ynghyd â staff SDC, ar daith o amgylch y…