We are the UK Government’s independent adviser on sustainable development. Through advocacy, advice and
appraisal, we help put sustainable development at the heart of Government policy
July 2010
SDC Wales response to Defra funding announcement
Statement by SDC Wales Commissioner, Peter Davies.
Neighbourhood approach to renewal can cut costs and improve Welsh communities
Groundbreaking projects to improve communities in Wales have been singled out by the SDC in our new report 'The Future Is Local'.
June 2010
Commissioner Speaks Out On Cuts
SDC Wales Commissioner Peter Davies on how sustainable development can help Wales deal with funding cuts.…
Delivering Low Carbon Regions
The SDC has worked with the Welsh Assembly Government to hold a series of workshops around Wales as we…
SDC says charter ‘needs strong and ongoing support’
The Sustainable Development Commission has signed the Welsh Assembly Government’s new charter for…
SDC agrees work in Wales for the year ahead
The Commission in Wales has agreed its plans for 2010-11 with the Welsh Assembly Government.The Sustainable…
Wales Green List 2010
Do you know a green hero? If so – why not nominate them for the Wales Green List 2010, run by our…
May 2010
Energy scheme shows ‘sustainable thinking’
Sustainable Development Commission welcomes ARBED project, which promises to boost jobs, combat climate…
March 2010
Green Jobs Down Under - Peter Davies
As a Sustainable Development Commissioner I have always had a sense of guilt for swapping Wales for New…
Leading US Eco-Entrepreneur Visits Wales
Paul Polizzotto is a leading ‘eco-entrepreneur’ in the USA. In February the SDC, together…