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SDC Submission to The Eddington Transport Study

Classification:SDC Response, Transport, Economics
Document type:SDC Reports & Papers
Download:Eddington-Transport-Study.pdf - 164 KB
Summary:imageThe aim of The Eddington Review was to assess the long term links between transport and the UK's economic productivity, growth and stability. Five questions were posed to contributors:

1. What contribution does transport make to the uk’s economic growth, productivity and stability?
2. What are the most important characteristics and priorities of the transport system, currently and in the future (to 2030), for the following groups and economic concerns, e.g. journey frequency or choice
3. How might transport’s role need to change and evolve to support economic growth over the next 30 years?
4. What are the biggest challenges that might inhibit transport’s contribution to the economy over the next 30 years, and how might they be overcome?
5. What are the other major social and environmental impacts of transport decisions and the priorities identified in question two that we have to take into account?

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