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Financing Local Futures: Sustainability in practice

Classification:Local Government, Economics
Document type:SDC Reports & Papers
Download:FinancingLocalFutures.pdf - 586 KB
Summary:imageSupported by CIPFA, the LGA and the IDeA, Financing Local Futures is a web-based resource designed to help those involved in local government financial decision-making to develop their own organisations' contributions to sustainable development.

Focussing on the role of financial decision-makers in local government, Financing Local Futures includes:

• An outline of the benefits of financing sustainable development
• An introduction to the tools, levers and mechanisms that can be used to help finance sustainable development
• Top tips for local financial decision-makers wanting to maximise their own contribution to sustainable development
• An online discussion forum
• Case studies
• Links to a wide range of useful resources about financing sustainable development

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