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Healthy Futures #1: Sustainable Development Opportunities for the NHS

Document type:SDC Reports & Papers
Download:031001 Healthy futures - sustainable development opportunities for the NHS.pdf - 212 KB
Summary:imageAs the nation’s provider of health services, an employer of over one million people, a major purchaser and consumer of energy and resources, the NHS has the potential to make a significant contribution to sustainable social, environmental and economic development. In turn, sustainable development offers the NHS the opportunity to spend, consume and behave in ways which result in a more efficient service, healthier working and living conditions and, in the longer term, a healthier population.

This publication, the first in a series, launched a new project for the Sustainable Development Commission. The Department of Health provided one year’s funding for work which aims to help promote sustainable development within the NHS. We will explore ways of helping the NHS maximise its positive contribution to the environment, society and the economy, and look at the benefits that this approach offers the NHS.

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