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Healthy Futures #2: Food and Sustainable Development

Document type:SDC Reports & Papers
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Summary:imageHow food is served, prepared, purchased and produced can have a huge impact on the health of individuals, communities and the environment. Through nutritional standards, catering and procurement, the NHS has the power to speed patient recovery, build a healthy workforce, strengthen local communities, bring jobs to poor neighbourhoods, cut road traffic and promote sustainable farming. But, by taking the wrong decisions, the NHS can undermine patient and staff health, waste natural resources and damage the environment. It can also contribute to rising rates of obesity.

One in five Britons is obese and that could double in a generation. Diet and obesity are now top priorities in the government’s health policy agenda. Promoting sustainable development through decisions about food will help the NHS to be a good corporate citizen and a health-enhancing organisation with a viable financial future. That’s why sustainable development must be taken seriously by all NHS trusts.

This publication sets out why food matters and how decisions about food impact on the health and well-being of patients, staff and visitors, as well as on local communities and economies, and the environment. The back page lists useful sources of guidance, support and relevant initiatives to help you take action on sustainable food.

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