We are the UK Government’s independent adviser on sustainable development. Through advocacy, advice and
appraisal, we help put sustainable development at the heart of Government policy
Sustainable Development Action Plan (SDAP) Guidance
The Capability Building team offers advice and support to government departments and agencies in the drafting stage of their Sustainable Development Action Plans (SDAPs). The SDAP guidance ensures that SDC is fully supporting departments, agencies and NDPBs in the production of their SDAPs, and also assisting organisations in the wider process of securing the buy in and engagement of staff as well as helping them to utilise their sdap as a tool in helping to create change.
The range of guidance support that the SDC can offer is tailored to suit your different needs; this will often be reflective of the stage that your draft SDAP is in. As well as providing written and/or verbal feedback on draft versions of your SDAP, the SDC can also provide a range of ongoing support via:
- Contributing to and/or delivering a tailored set of internal workshops, seminars or staff events
- Providing face to face support for specific areas of the SDAP that may require strengthening, i.e. policy actions, governance structures
- Highlighting relevant existing tools, case studies and organisations
- Initiating networking opportunities with sustainable development officials across government and beyond, to share experiences and promote collaboration
- Capability-building for sustainable development in policy-making and business strategy.
The SDC's SDAP guidance, Driving Change: Sustainable Development Action Plans (2008), underpins the support we offer in this area. Driving Change reflects the experience and learning from the first three years of the SDAP process, building on our earlier guidance Getting Started (2005).